Harvest season

We are really starting to reap the rewards in the garden


I’ve never had much luck with peppers, but these sweet banana peppers have done really well. There’s still more coming too. And I get a handful of yellow beans almost every day. Not bad considering it was only a half pack of seeds.


The raspberries are taking a rest (I’ll get another crop in about a month or so), and now the blackberries are starting to ripen. I have to be quick though – the robins have REALLY developed a taste for them this year, and frequently get to them before I do.

The tomatoes still have to ripen, but I will have a really good crop when they do.

And did you know that oregano blooms?


Well, it totally does! (And the bees quite like it!)



My first sunflower has bloomed, with the promise of many more to come!

Blue Girl rose hasn’t been looking that great this year, but she’s finally pushing out blooms.

She really doesn’t like the searing heat, so this year has been hard on her.

Back in late May, I started some marigolds from seed, and they are finally blooming. I’ll collect more seeds from the this year, but I think I’ll start them inside so I get flowers sooner.


I mentioned that the gardens are getting a revamp come fall, and this is one of the plants that will be moved. The Speedwell is so pretty when she blooms, but she needs a spot with more sun to really shine.


The Crocosmia is blooming too – it always has such a tropical vibe.


And last, an intrepid little thistle found a crack in the pavement and has thrived enough to bloom. A metaphor for this year, if ever there was one!

8 thoughts on “Harvest season

  1. kayT

    As always, thanks for the garden tour. I don’t garden (allergies) and it’s hard to grow things here in the heat of central Texas anyway. I had no idea that oregano blooms, and it’s so pretty! Maybe I can grow some in a pot and see if I can get it to bloom. This was a lovely way to start my day. Thanks again.


  2. We have so many blossoms of echinacea as you know. We also have some mini pom moms from Regina’s seeds. Sunflowers blooming. Bees and pollinators all so happy! These posts we share are so missed in the winter !!!!!! I can’t get enough of your gardens and pots and plants.


  3. Shirley Elliott

    Your gardens are just spectacular. I love all your flowers and the variety. You seem to have your plantings staggered so there is always a good variety in bloom. You rock!


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