More wee neighbours

Dave and I are on a mission today to bring his ’67 Dodge Charger home. It’s been in storage at his Grandma’s for the last 20 years, so I’m so glad he will finally have it accessible any time he wants to drive it. It runs, but it hasn’t been driven properly for ages (not 20 years, but too long). Dad will be towing it for us on a trailer, and once it’s here, we’ll get the brakes adjusted and do whatever servicing it needs so he can have fun with it again.

While we are gone, here are a few more of the locals I’ve been meeting with day after day.

The other day I was waiting for much lunch to heat up in the microwave, so I stepped out onto the sunporch for a little fresh air. I noticed a butterfly struggling against one of the screens. We get a lot of moths and wasps that wander in (the door to the catio yard is always open), but it’s unusual to see butterflies in there.

Very gently, I caught him in my hand. There was enough room between my thumb and palm for him to creep out, and when he did, he just sat there. Naturally, I took pictures.

This is an Eastern Comma butterfly. He didn’t fly away until I walked out into the catio yard.

This little guy, however, did not want to be held at all.

It was hard to get pictures of him before he hopped out of my hand and disappeared into the garden.

This guy was also very tiny. He’s a Summer Azure butterfly, and he was about the size of my thumbnail. He was very interested in the snack he was getting from the Yarrow, making it pretty to get pictures.

This big beauty practically posed for photos atop this daylily bud. I’m note sure if it’s a 12-spotted skimmer dragonfly, or and orange meadowhawk.. Whatever it is, I think it’s beautiful!

And last, this gorgeous green Katydid was hanging out on my lawnmower the other day. Love that vibrant shade!!!

8 thoughts on “More wee neighbours

  1. kayT

    Thanks for all the pictures and especially the last on. My mom’s nickname was Katy so whenever I see a katydid I think, hi mom.


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