Coming up roses

This picture popped up in my facebook memories the other day

That was how the front lawn looked in June of 2021 after we took possession of the house.

This is what it looks like now. It’s amazing what you can accomplish in just a couple years if you’re not shy about wielding a shovel.

The roses on the arbour are just blowing me away.

That’s Eden on the left, and Quicksilver on the right. And they are both just STUNNING this year.

If nothing else goes right in the garden this year, these roses would carry me through the rest of the season. They just make my smile every time I see them.

11 thoughts on “Coming up roses

  1. cindyannb99

    That is so neat to see the before and after. I’m not a gardener but I do enjoy LOOKING at your flowers … you have put in hard work and it now looks so pretty!


  2. Betsy Saathoff Queen

    I absolutely love that stunning transformation. I saw what it looks like now in my mind,but I forgot what a blank canvas you started with. What a blessing you are to your neighborhood.
    Blessings and hugs,


  3. Your roses are so gorgeous! Are they fragrant, too?

    My peonies went from “ready to burst” to “bloomed out and browning” in a blink. That blink included a big rainstorm. Oh well. The blue hydrangeas are just about to start. Hoping they last longer!


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