Wings and things

It’s been a while since I’ve shared any pictures of my backyard friends – but I’ve got some new ones for you this week

Last weekend, I gave the pussywillows a trim, and as I was bagging up the cuttings, I (luckily) noticed this little guy.

Google tells me he’s the caterpillar of some sort of Underwing moth (there are several and they have similar caterpillars).

I’m thinking it might be a Lesser Yellow Underwing moth…

Because a little later that day, when I was cleaning up some weeds in Edible Alley – I came across one! What are the chances?

A few weeks ago, Dave put up a rustic little bird house I’d bought last year. And it looks like it might have a new tenant…

When I was mowing the lawn earlier this week, I noticed this little one going in and out of it constantly.

It’s a House Wren. It has the prettiest little call. I don’t know if there’s a nest or eggs in the house (Dave put it up too high for me to peek in easily) but I’ve since seen two of them hanging around it, so I’m hoping.

Back behind the yard, our rear neighbour has a very large mulberry right at the property line. It’s branches over hang our yard giving us some nice shade in the evening. And right now it is full of ripe mulberries. The birds are in and out of it all day (the robins really seem to love the mulberries). And I’ve spotted a few of these guys.

Cedar Waxwings. They were particularly hard to photograph, even with my long lens. They were definitely wary, and hid behind the leaves more often than not.

Eventually, they got a little more comfortable with me, and I was able to get some good pics.

A very pretty bird.

And of course, a backyard friend post wouldn’t be complete without one of these guys.

They have been enjoying the mulberries just as much as the birds have.

7 thoughts on “Wings and things

  1. I’ll have to check out our Pussy Willow to see if we have any critters living there; the bush/tree certainly has grown big in a short time.

    I eat mulberries too; when out on my ‘nood stroll, I stop to nab a few easy-to-reach berries as I pass by.


  2. jatshaw

    That’s one scary little fellow! I loved the photos of all your pretty birds and hope your kitties leave them alone. At the moment a mole or moles have invaded our garden/yard. I sure hope the Mole Patrol catches them soon!! Yesterday 3 piles showed up in our new sod despite the 8 traps the MP put out!


  3. Betsy Saathoff Queen

    I used to have several birdhouses and feeders in our yard in Spokane. How I loved sitting under the deck and listening to them and watching them flying in and out of their houses and playing in the birdbath.

    I’m not sure about that moth caterpiller though. It looks almost prehistoric!



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