Doo doo doo… Knitting on my back porch

One of the things I love best about this house is the sunporch. Not just because it’s a great little spa for my houseplants in the summer. It’s also a wonderful place to sit, and knit and enjoy a good thunderstorm!

With a ginger cat to “help” of course.

Eventually, Lemmy decided he’d done all he could and moved to inspect the storm a little more closely…

And I was able to finish the first sock!

Maybe I’ll get lucky with another storm this weekend, and be able to get a good start on the second one.

7 thoughts on “Doo doo doo… Knitting on my back porch

  1. velane4

    That’s a nice looking sock! We had storms last night too, but I was already in bed and asleep so I missed them. The garden was happy though.


  2. Shirley Elliott

    The sock is beautiful! Such pretty yarn/colors. I have always wanted a sunporch or sunroom. Only porches and patios thus far.


  3. That’s a great sock! We had a thunderstorm last night. We had to sit in the messy, stinky half painted downstairs until midnight when it passed. No fun there but it did blow some of that hot air and humidity away.


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