Friday Felines

As you know, the main reason I built the catio was to keep the kitties safe from the dangers of the wide world. But another reason was to keep the wider world safe from the kitties (mainly the bunnies and the birds).

But that doesn’t help when the birds fly INTO the cage of doom!!! It’s not usually an issue. The birds perch on it all the time. But other than a pair of Juncos Burton got the first winter we were here, we haven’t really had an issue with birds actually landing on the ground inside. And I deadhead the coneflowers in there so the finches aren’t tempted by the seed heads. (Butterfly casualties are another issue, but there’s not much I can do about that).

But… on Sunday, apparently one sparrow didn’t get the message. The video has a happy ending if you’re worried about watching.

It’s a little hard to make out everything from the security camera angle, but I think you can follow the action.

It doesn’t look like Lemmy has mastered the kill strike yet. And the sparrow flew away pretty steadily, so I don’t think there were any injuries. Lemmy must have just pinned him.

He was rather perplexed when poor birdie flew away!

5 thoughts on “Friday Felines

  1. Our last remaining outside kitty did not have a happy ending with a bird this week I am sad to say. I wish I could convert her into an inside cat like her other two siblings but it’s not going to happen. She’s too loud and too fast.


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