As June fades…

June is about to give way to July, and to me, July is always the month of the Lily.

As you know, I have a vast collection of day lilies

And this is just the start – there are many more to come!

I did battle with the Asian Lily Beetle this spring and prevailed and now my Asiatic and Oriental lilies are starting to put on a show.

And there’s many more to come with these too!

But that’s not all that hot and summery…

I’ve got two, big Red Hot Pokers standing proud in the front yard.

And of course, there’s still lots of beautiful roses blooming.

We also have False Sunflowers, Shasta Daisies, and Black-Eyed Susans.

And many coneflowers of course!

And how about Hollyhocks? I’ve got this beautiful inky purple one in the backyard.

Or what about this miniature Hollyhock? So sweet!

And there’s so much more to come. July is always a great month in the garden!

7 thoughts on “As June fades…

  1. Wow! Look at all that color. My mom’s yard was an explosion of day lilies this time of year. It looked like her yard was on fire. I transplanted some of them and they spread all through my woods but they never bloom.


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