Summer blooms

June rolls on and the flowers are blooming.

The shasta daisies are opening. I feel like they are little late this year. I always think of strawberries and daisies at the same time, and the strawberries have been out for weeks.

The daisies will be one of the plants I’m not taking with me. A few years back, I tried to split this clump up, and the roots are so thick and strong, it was near impossible to dig them out. That’s ok, I started these ones from seed and they are very easy to grow.

The tickseed (coreopsis) are also blooming. I have two of these – one out back and one out front. They are slightly different shades of yellow

The one out back is more lemon, while the one out front is pure mustard.

The pink Bee Balm always makes me think of fireworks. I have purple too… but I like this pink one better. It’s more compact, and doesn’t spread like the purple one. It also blooms more.

The daylilies are covered in buds, and this yellow Stella D’Oro was the first to open.

A few of the common orange ones were next

Soon the front garden will be awash in orange and red.

And seeing all these blooms on the blackberry bush makes me a little sad about leaving it behind. This is going to be the best year for it yet! Of course, they don’t ripen until well after were gone from here. They will be a sweet treat for the new tenant!

6 thoughts on “Summer blooms

  1. Not sure if my bee balm will bloom; I just planted it a month ago, but it’s growing like crazy!
    As are the brown-eyed-susans; with all of the rain we’ve been getting, I hope our gardens are happy.


  2. Such beautiful blooms in your garden. It would sadden me to leave it all behind. Especially those daisies. They are so pretty. I’m sure with your green thumb though, that your new garden will soon be ablaze with color too.


  3. Araignee

    It’s so hard to leave your plants. I left my little blue spruce at my old house and the new owners chopped it down. It broke my heart. I had to leave my fig tree when I sold dad’s house and I know better than to even go look. It’s better not knowing.


  4. If you get a bit homesick for your ‘old’ garden…take a walk through your blog posts and remember its beauty–because of all of your care and planning and then get to work on your new garden! lol
    You will have your new home budding in no time!


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