I want a do-over….

So it turns out that I suck at No-Buy July….

Just call me…

In a month when I wasn’t supposed to spend on anything but necessities, I bought:

  • Garden plants… now technically, these could fall under necessities for the house, but it’s a stretch to say they were actually NEEDED. There’s more than enough in the garden for the moment… but things were on sale (really, they were!) ….and some of them are spring bulbs. They’ve been ordered to arrive in time for fall planting…
  • House plants…. which by ZERO stretch of the imagination could you consider these necessities. The house is already overrun with houseplants. My only defense is they were “clearance” plants and badly neglected… so really I was just rescuing them.
  • Dresses… yes….. on sale. 100% not needed – the closet is already over-flowing. But one was plaid (I adore plaid) one was pink (I adore pink), and one had puffy sleeves (I adore puffy sleeves) and as you can tell, I am very very weak-willed in the face of things I adore.
  • Pajamas. Also on sale. And the only reason I bought them is because they were the same style as my favourite and I only had two. (A nice light, little nightie, perfect for hot summer night sleeping)
  • Fabric…. this one is totally a grey area. My favourite cousin is getting married in November and I wanted to make her a wedding quilt. Technically I could have waited to make the purchase, but I’d already broken No Buy July sooo…. at the same time I also picked up fabric to make a quilt for Sam’s son Ethan… at least I got free shipping!
  • Books… my favourite author (Patricia Briggs) has a new one coming out, and it was 30% off if you pre-ordered. And then two more books (from another favourite – Phillipa Gregory) hopped into the cart so I could get free shipping
  • A pink toolbelt. Possibly a necessity (will be very useful when we get back to indoor renos), but could have waited. But it’s the perfect shade of Barbie pink (see previous note about pink), and in truth, that’s why I bought it.
  • Hot Pink Buckmark hearing protection ear muff. Technically a necessity because I needed ear and eye protection for my range test this morning, but I could have got away with ear plugs (which I already had). I just prefer the muffs (I always borrowed Dad’s pair when I went shooting with him). And these were PINK (I really can’t stress that enough) and made by Browning (the same company as my favourite pistol)

So yes… I have issues with financial fortitude in the face of things I love. But , I’m determined to do better. So with tomorrow the first day of a new month, I am declaring it AUSTERE AUGUST!

For the ENTIRE month, there will be NO purchases unless it’s 100% absolutely necessary. It doesn’t matter if it’s on sale, eventually needed, or even pink. If I don’t need it in that very moment, I don’t buy it.

Think I can do it….? Neither do I, but I’m going to try my darnedest!!!

In the meantime, do you want to see some amazing things my husband has done? I know it takes my mind off my own failures….

First… remember that bench we found on the side of the road?

Well it’s been all fixed up with new paint and wood. (And no… I didn’t keep it pink… that wouldn’t work with our outdoor theme). I think he did and amazing job.

He also put up a real clothesline for me.

My little retractable one was okay. But this one is longer and stronger and can hold two full loads. I just love the smell of laundry fresh off the line, so I’ve been enjoying this immensely.

This week, I’m hoping to get some time to make a bag that can hang on the post and hold all my clothes pins.

With his Charger here, his attention is pretty much gone from my projects to his, but I think I did pretty well while I had it!

9 thoughts on “I want a do-over….

  1. Araignee

    Oh, my heart! The sight of your clothesline did me in. It’s the one thing I really wish I could have here. I love hanging clothes out but with the trees and the shade and critters and the bugs and the humidity…..it just wouldn’t work. I have a little drying stand I use indoors but it’s just not the same.


  2. No clothes line here with the humidity and bugs but yours brings back memories of living in Michigan growing up, the smell of your line dried sheets were amazing. I think you were justified in your purchases, just saying…….


  3. Deb

    Take your clothespins inside once your done with laundry. They will discolor if you leave them outside all the time.

    Also, if you like Patricia Briggs (can’t wait for that one), you should try Ilona Andrews and Lisa Shearin. Not werewolf, but definitely Urban Fantasy.


  4. I’d join in but DS may be moving out so purchases will be required if he gets the job he’s gone for. I also have medical expenses coming up, but otherwise I should definitely join in! I was following your blog on Bloglovin’ but that seems to have stopped working unfortunately.


  5. I’m sorry but I am laughing at your Austere August after the July attempt at not buying—but maybe you wouldv’e bought a lot more so who’s to say you weren’t successful after all!
    The bench is beautiful! Great job and the clothes line is super!


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