Happy Easter

In the past, I’ve not done much decorating for Easter. But I found these guys at the grocery store and thought they would look cute on the antique on top of my treadle sewing machine.

I was hoping to get an Easter Garland for the antique radio from Michaels, but all the ones they had were paper based and would be far too tempting for our favourite ginger paper-muncher. I’ll have to make something for next year.

But this little bun sits on top of the radio for now…

I picked him up from the drug store last year.

And I got this wreath at the dollar store. It came with just the pink eggs and leaves on it but I decided I could dress it up better, so I stripped it right down.

Some dollar store flowers, and a little ribbon helped me transform it and now it’s happily hanging on the front door.

I’m trying to curb my plant buying for a while… but Home Depot had Easter Cacti. They are different than Christmas Cacti – they have a smoother leaf and slightly different flowers. I have a red one that’s about 10 years old – though it hasn’t bloomed in ages. In fact, I almost killed it, but it’s been coming back to life this year.

So when I saw they had pink ones, I thought it would be a nice Easter treat to myself.

Not that I really needed another treat, because I did get myself my annual Easter dress…

Even though the closet is bursting with clothes – but traditions are traditions (or so I tell myself!)

It’s going to be a quiet day here for me and Dave. I might throw a ham in the oven but that’s about it for us. I hope you all have a wonderful Easter, however you are spending it!

5 thoughts on “Happy Easter

  1. Robyn Williams

    A Very Happy Easter to your household!! Hope the Bunny was kind to the fluffs and they got lots of treats in their baskets.


  2. Have a great day! Easter snuck up on me this year. I barely got the St Patrick’s Day stuff down last week. I didn’t even get out a basket or buy one bit of Easter candy.


  3. Shirley Elliott

    Your Easter decorations are beautiful! Love your Easter cactus and new dress. I have never seen an Easter cactus and love the shape of the blooms.


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