Tiny Needle Tuesday

I do have plenty of progress on my butterfly to show you, but first I want to share a couple pics Mom took of the solar eclipse

Her town was right in the path of totality

The skies were pretty cloudy, but opened up just enough she was able to get those awesome pics.

Our place was outside the path of totality, so it didn’t get completely dark, but it did get quite dim and eerie!

Now – onto the stitching!

I finished up the lightest bits, and started adding the second lightest colour and I’m feeling much better about my choices.

I might be able to finish the rest of the butterfly next weekend, then I’ll be starting on the greenery! This one is going much quicker than I expected.

7 thoughts on “Tiny Needle Tuesday

  1. Very pretty butterfly.

    We were supposed to be in the 90% totality, but Mother Nature had other ideas. Clouds rolled in and totally obscured the view. It did get “dark”, or should I say dark-er. Soon as the moon was gone, so were the clouds. That Mother Nature is a funny, funny lady.


  2. Betsy Saathoff Queen

    We had a great view of the eclipse. It was supposed to be 83%. I didn’t get photos but it did get pretty dark and the birds kept really quiet while it was dusk. It was about the same for us as the one in Washington for us in 2017.

    Your butterfly is turning out beautifully. I love the colors.



  3. Shirley Elliott

    The butterfly just gets more beautiful! It really shines on the black fabric. Your Mom got great photos of the eclipse. My area had about the same exposure you mentioned. 


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