March madness

It’s officially March Break and you know what that means…


These two have arrived and Mom’s got a week of mischief and mayhem planned! (Can you believe how grown up they are getting? Miss Paisley is going to be 16 this year… WTF???)

I’ve got plans with them mid week, so you’ll see a post on that soon enough. In the meantime, I’m knitting…


The first Business Casual sock is off the needles and on the blockers. As mentioned and as you can see, I’m making them shorty socks (because that’s just how I roll), and they fit like a dream. The yarn, unfortunately, doesn’t have any nylon, so I hope they hold up – because I think they might end up being my new favourite pair!

9 thoughts on “March madness

  1. Shirley

    The girls have grown so much! Beautiful girls! What fun times for this week. Hope your work schedule allows you to participate in the fun things.


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