On the homefront

As mentioned a few days again, we were busy at the new house on the weekend. In fact, we spent pretty much the whole weekend there. Sadly, we are not set up to stay overnight yet (that would make it much easier), but we still managed to get a lot done.

Saturday morning, Dave and I got up at the crack of dawn, and were at the house by 8 am, where I immediately rolled out my new lawnmower and gave the yard another trim. About halfway through, super Dad arrived, and while I finished, he and Dave poked around inside.

Once the lawn was cut, he left Dave to the interior, and joined me where we whacked weeds, chopped trees, torn down fences and just generally put the yard in order under a hot, blazing sun.

I was so busy, I completely forgot to take before pictures, so you’ll have to make do with the real estate listing pics.

As you can see from the first picture, there was a little fenced in area. That picture was taken on April 23, and no cutting/clearing had been done in that area since then. It was a mess of weeds – mostly Virginia Creeper, Ground Ivy, and some tall/unknown weed.

Super dad pulled down the old fence, muscled out the fence posts and whacked the crap out of it. I followed along behind and bagged it all up. There were also a couple weed trees he sawed down for me. We are going to rototill this area, add some fresh soil and re-seed it with grass. Some special fencing is on it’s way and that area will be re-fenced as a safe space for our favourite feline trio. Eventually, it will be filled with some garden plants and a nice lawn space that we all can enjoy together.

On the right side of the house, you’ll notice a “structure” up against back of the house. It was a homemade “green house” made by some long-ago and very “inventive” DIY-er. it was made mostly from old windows, and translucent fibreglass panels. While I was excited when we first saw it, further inspection proved it was also about 30 years past it’s prime. Unfortunately, it just wasn’t worth trying to save.

I REALLY wish I’d taken before pictures of it… there are none from the real estate listing – and with good reason. It probably hadn’t been used (or cleaned) in the last decade. It was full of debris, and covered in Virgina Creeper. Dave said lit looked like something out of Texas Chainsaw Massacre, and took to calling it the “Kill Room”.

Well, while I tackled the vines and debris, Dad started dismantling the sides. We got all the windows and door out, and the inside completely cleaned up. All that’s left is the roof and frame, which Dad and Dave will dismantle this coming weekend.

While the greenhouse wasn’t worth keeping, it did yield up some very good things…. including a pile of plastic pots which will be useful for transporting the gardens from the townhouse.

Rupert has given them a thorough inspection as soon as I got home that night.

Dad also unearthed this Elephant planter. You all know how I feel about elephants!!!! He certainly made my day! I’m going to have to find a special plant for him when things settle down.

9 thoughts on “On the homefront

  1. Shirley Elliott

    You guys certainly did accomplish a lot! It is wonderful that your Dad is available to help on projects. The cat fencing looks awesome! Looking forward to seeing it installed and the cats out and about.


  2. Okay, Okay, Val so some treasures and some junk. That’s about right . I love your elephant. You have a vision, you know and it will come around in a season or so. You are talented and creative. You already know your plant base. It is going to be very fun to see it come along! Are there deer in the area? Is fencing going to be necessary/ or plant those few things they don’t touch: marigolds, echinacea, irises and prickly pear cactus! hahaha


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