Walkabout Wednesday

With everything growing in my yard, and I wanted to do another wander around town and see what was happening in other people’s gardens.

This house is just around the corner from ours, and Dave has made me promise I won’t do this with ours…

I had to laugh, because it’s not terribly far off from my eventual plans, though mine will be a touch tidier. There’s lots of wonderful plants in this yard, but there’s also a lot of wonderful weeds too. Here’s a close up of one of the beds.

As a side note: I just love daisies. They (and strawberries) are the ultimate symbol of June to me.

And remember the house with the Hellebores… it looked like their yard had serious potential. I could tell there were lots of gardens, but who knew what they held.

I went back last week and….

Hostas. Just garden after garden full of hostas! There were a few other things mixed in.. I saw some Heuchera, a few irises, and of course the hellebores… but it was literally 95% hostas. It looks like they might sell them – I saw a “sale” near the side of the house, so I’m guessing they are some sort of backyard grower.

Sadly, I’m not a big fan of hostas, so I was little disappointed.

But there are a lot of other lovely gardens in this town. This place reminded me of my townhouse gardens.

This is a little townhouse complex similar to our former one a few streets over. It’s much smaller than ours (maybe 15 units vs 120 we had), but obviously there’s some one there like me… willing to garden ever square inch available.

I love it when people make use of tree stumps in their garden design.

This house has TWO, and a barrel/water spout planter to boot!

Another house had THREE beautiful clematis growing over their fence.

A delight for both the homeowner and passersby. I am still deciding where to put the clematis I bought. I hope it will be as pretty of these!

A few houses away there’s this beautiful hedge…

I love the ombre effect of the leaves. The lighter/greener ones are under a tree, so they don’t get as much sun.

And last…

I am extremely envious of this house and its tire swing. I don’t think my maple is big enough for one… but I will talk to Dave and see.

7 thoughts on “Walkabout Wednesday

  1. A Tire swing would be such fun! I love that there is so much variety where you live. The stump planters are great – and the barrel with the water pump/spout. I wonder what that hedge is – such a pretty shade.


  2. You found some gorgeous gardens on your walkabout. Our house came with lots of hostas. They are on both side and the back of the house. I do need to find out how to divide them as some are growing quite large. Love the barrel and the tree stumps too.
    We had wild weather all night with lots of tornado warning and heavy rain and wind. We’re both dragging this morning.


  3. Completely on board with your comments about daisies and strawberries!

    I just love walking around seeing peoples’ plants and flowers. It’s something that never ceases to improve my mood.

    A tire swing – my cousins had one at their cabin that was near a creek, and I was always so jealous of them!


  4. Shirley Elliott

    I love your Wednesday Walkabouts and getting to see your town. There really are some beautiful flowers and shrubs. Daisies are one of my favorite flowers. Heat advisories for my area again today.


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