Arbour amour

We had an absolutely beautiful weekend, so I was back in the garden for much of it – as I had another construction project.

Dave doesn’t usually say much about my garden plans and purchases, but he did raise an eyebrow when Amazon delivered yet another large box…

But I explained to him that the transition from the woodland garden to the backyard needed a little more “structure”. And with that, I took my box outside and got to work. In short order, my structure was complete.

As pretty as it is, I’m not going to share the link because it’s definitely not the most well-made arbour and I don’t recommend purchasing it. If it last more than two years, I’ll be surprised. But, I’m only planning on growing sweet peas up it – and they are annuals, so it won’t harm anything if I have to scrap it eventually. And once the plants on either side grow over the next month, the woodland garden will have proper boundaries.

With that done, I turned my attention to the raspberries. They are starting to sprout nicely.

Last year, they were a big, floppy mess, so I needed to construct something to contain them.

It’s nothing fancy – we got the re-bar stakes with eyelets on them from Princess Auto. I pounded them into the ground, then tied some sting. As the raspberries grow, I’ll hook them inside and everything will be much tidier.

Then it was time to get dirty!

I got the containers in Potager Parlour (mostly) filled. I still need to get a few more bags of soil. I planted my spinach too, so I hope to see some sprouts soon!

You will notice that I don’t have a second tire there.. I did find it (in the garage) but it’s an old tire from the Charger, and Dave has decided he’s sentimentally attached. He didn’t want to see tomatoes growing out of it. No biggie, I had a couple of big pots that happily took its place!

After that, I cleaned the dead stems from the rest of the back gardens (still have to do the front) and burned them in my fire pit (ashes will go in the composter). And I gave the lawn it’s first hair cut and called it a fabulous spring Sunday! I look forward to many more!

6 thoughts on “Arbour amour

  1. Val you are ahead of me! i Am busy busy buiding a rudimentary stick fence. We are getting a golden puppy may 3. Troy wont fence so i am creating some areas of wood fence. But I also have planted lettuce as a border for Rio, the pup. my hyacinth are blooming. i have just a few purples. The weeds thank you very much are thriving. Steadily altering the cats food stations so pup cant get at it. i predict one of them will mother Rio after a bit.

    love kathy b


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